Ha effettuato numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste nazionali e internazionali
Alterazioni elettrolitiche in corso di convulsioni febbrili (Ped. Med. Chir. – Med. Ped. Surg. – 1985,7: 249-252);
Ring chromosome 11 (Ann. Genet. 1986, 29, n. 1, 55-58);
Lichen sclero-atrofico (Giorn. Intern. di Derm. Ped. – Vol. I n. 2 – Aprile-Giugno 1989);
Asma infantile – Uso del Sodio Nedocromile e riduzione delle recidive asmatiche (La Stampa Med. Eur. – 1994, Vol. 14, n. 2: pagg. 78-80);
Food allergy and Duhring dermatitis herpetiformis – A case report (Journ. of Ped.Gastroent. and Nutrition – Vol. 31, Suppl. 2 – pag. 3 – Aug 2000);
The role of antitissue transglutaminase assay for the diagnosis and monitoring of Celiac Disease: a French-Italian multicentre study (as investigator
who contributed to the trial) (Journal of Clinical Pathology- Maggio 2003, Vol. 56, N.5, pp.389-393);
Pediatric Endoscopy in Italy: a national survey – Italian Pediatric Panel of Endoscopy (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol. 36, Suppl. 2, pagg.254-255 –
March 2004);
Complications and adverse events in pediatric endoscopy: results of a national survey (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol. 36, Suppl. 2, pagg.307-308 –
March 2004);
Complications and adverse events in pediatric endoscopy: results of a national survey (J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr – Vol. 39, Suppl. 1, pagg. S458-459
– June 2004);
Children allergic to cows milk tollerate a rice hydrolysate formula (RHF) – Abstract del Meeting 2004, American College of Allergy – Boston
(Asthma & Immunology, 12-17 Novembre 2004);
Consensus statement su sanguinamento gastrointestinale in età pediatrica (pubbl. in Giugno 2005 -in qualità di Esperto della SIGENP- in
collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Chirurgia Pediatrica (SICP), con la Società Italiana di Endoscopia Digestiva (SIED) e con l’Italian Panel
of Pediatric Endoscopy);
Reflux esophagitis in children, the role of endoscopy (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38 N. 1, pag. A10 – January 2006);
Sanguinamento gastrointestinale: approccio e gestione durante l’età pediatrica (Area Pediatrica vol.1, Gennaio 2006);
A hydrolysed rice-based formula is tolerated by children with cow’s milk allergy: a multi-centre study” (“Clinical and Experimental Allergy”, 2006
Marzo, 36(3): 311-6);
Il bambino con sangue nelle feci (The Italian Journal of Pediatrics - Vol.32- Supplement N.1, sept. 2006, pgg. 22- 23);
Genotype/phenotype analysis of a panel of genes in paediatric patients with IBD: a multicentric study of SIGENP
(Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38, n.10, october 2006, pag. A103);
The Appropriateness of endoscopy for dyspepsia in children (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38, n.10, october 2006, pag. A112);
Infliximab in Children with IBD: Safety and Complications (Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Vol.43, supplement 2, S 44
november 2006);
Il Reflusso Gastro-Esofageo dal neonato al giovane adulto (pubbl. del 28/05/07 su rivista on line FCE NEWS ;
Reflux esophagitis in children, the role of endoscopy. A multicentric Italian survey (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.39, 2007, pp. 864-871);
Infliximab in children with inflammatory bowel disease in Italy: safety (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.39, pag. A54, October 2007);
Duodenal diverticulitis with subsequent laparoscopic diverticulectomy in adolescence: a case report
(Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A61, Vol.39, October 2007);
Alopecia areata and food allergy a case report (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A80, Vol.39, October 2007);
Consensus statement su Urgenze endoscopiche non emorragiche in età pediatrica, (pubbl. in Febbraio 2008 - in qualità di Esperto della SIGENP - );
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children and Adolescents in Italy: Data from the Pediatric National IBD Register (1996-2003)
(Inflammatory Bowel Disease, PAG. 1246-1252, Vol 14, issue 9, June 2008);
Infliximab for pediatric ulcerative colitis: a retrospective Italian multicenter study (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. S260, Vol. 40, Suplement 2, July
The use of steroids in patients affected by IBD, with reactivation of the disease after biologic therapy (INFLIXIMAB)
(Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A54, Vol. 40, October 2008);
Rectal lymphoid hyperplasia resembling polypoid-type malt-lymphoma: a case report (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A101, Vol. 40, October 2008);
Association between non-synonymous variant in the MST1 gene and IBD in Italian Population (Gastroenterology, May 2009, Vol: 136, number 5, May
Association between non-synonymous variant in the MST1 gene and IBD in Italian Population
(Journal of Crohn’s & Colitis, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Feb. 2009);
Update on management of caustic and foreign body ingestion in children (Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Maggio 2009);
Consensus Statement su MICI in età pediatrica (pubblicazione del 2009);
Indications to Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Children with Dyspepsia
(Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 50, number 5, May 2010);
Una diagnosi occasionale ed indaginosa di voluminoso polipo del colon (SIGENP NEWS, Vol. II, Sett. 2010 – sezione Endoscopy Learning Library);
Italian paediatric experience in the management of benign esophageal strictures in children(Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5,
Endoscopic resection of an esophageal fibrous septum (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
The contribution of psychosomatic medicine in IBD research (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
A “particular” presentation of gastric volvulus (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
Esophageal perforated ulcer, secondary to prolonged decubitus of a not-harmful foreign body (coin) at the cervical esophagus
(Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
Usefulness of wireless capsule endoscopy in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Marzo 2011);
Il management del bambino con ingestione di corpi estranei (Rivista di Emergenze e Urgenza Pediatrica, anno 5, n°1, Marzo 2011);
La nutrizione nel bambino con Malattia Infiammatoria Cronica Intestinale (MICI)
(pubblicato sul sito, Agosto 2011 nell’ambito del Progetto Nutrizione);
Potential celiac disease in a large cohort of at-risk infants:” The Italian baby-study on weaning and CD risk”
(Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
A complex onset of intestinal bowel disease (Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
Crohn’s disease in a child with leucocyte adhesion type-1 deficiency: an unusual association
(Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
Il bambino con rettorragia
(pubblicato su “GIGENP – Giornale di Gastroenterologia Epatologia e Nutrizione Pediatrica “- organo ufficiale SIGENP, fascicolo 2 – Luglio
Phenotype and disease course of early onset pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (Inflammatory bowel disease, April 2014);
“Successful Anti-TNF-α Treatment in a girl with lad-1 disease and autoimmune manifestations”
(Journal of Clinical Immunology, August 2014);
“Polipi e sindromi polipoidi”(Manuale SIGENP di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia Pediatrica, Novembre 2014);
“High sodium and low potassium intake among Italian children. Relationship with age, body mass and blood pressure”
(PLOS ONE, Aprile 2015);
“Pediatric ulcerative colitis surgery: Italian multicenter survey” (Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Luglio 2015);
“Criteri di appropriatezza della colonscopia nel bambino” (Giornale SIGENP, Volume VIII, n° 4/2016);
“Asthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children – Completing the Puzzle” (European Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases, Giugno 2017);
“Equipment in pediatric endoscopy” per “Endoscopy in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease –Book-“ (Springer Editors, Luglio 2018);
“Esophageal retained lithium battery in children younger than 6 years” (Pediatric Emergency Care, 2018);
“Polipi e sindromi polipoidi”(Manuale SIGENP di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia Pediatrica, seconda edizione, Giugno 2020);
"A large food-borne outbreak of campylobacteriosis in kindergartens and primary schools in Pescara, Italy, May-June 2018" (Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2021).
Ha effettuato numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste nazionali e internazionali
Alterazioni elettrolitiche in corso di convulsioni febbrili (Ped. Med. Chir. – Med. Ped. Surg. – 1985,7: 249-252);
Ring chromosome 11 (Ann. Genet. 1986, 29, n. 1, 55-58);
Lichen sclero-atrofico (Giorn. Intern. di Derm. Ped. – Vol. I n. 2 – Aprile-Giugno 1989);
Asma infantile – Uso del Sodio Nedocromile e riduzione delle recidive asmatiche (La Stampa Med. Eur. – 1994, Vol. 14, n. 2: pagg. 78-80);
Food allergy and Duhring dermatitis herpetiformis – A case report (Journ. of Ped.Gastroent. and Nutrition – Vol. 31, Suppl. 2 – pag. 3 – Aug 2000);
The role of antitissue transglutaminase assay for the diagnosis and monitoring of Celiac Disease: a French-Italian multicentre study (as investigator
who contributed to the trial) (Journal of Clinical Pathology- Maggio 2003, Vol. 56, N.5, pp.389-393);
Pediatric Endoscopy in Italy: a national survey – Italian Pediatric Panel of Endoscopy (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol. 36, Suppl. 2, pagg.254-255 –
March 2004);
Complications and adverse events in pediatric endoscopy: results of a national survey (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol. 36, Suppl. 2, pagg.307-308 –
March 2004);
Complications and adverse events in pediatric endoscopy: results of a national survey (J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr – Vol. 39, Suppl. 1, pagg. S458-459
– June 2004);
Children allergic to cows milk tollerate a rice hydrolysate formula (RHF) – Abstract del Meeting 2004, American College of Allergy – Boston
(Asthma & Immunology, 12-17 Novembre 2004);
Consensus statement su sanguinamento gastrointestinale in età pediatrica (pubbl. in Giugno 2005 -in qualità di Esperto della SIGENP- in
collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Chirurgia Pediatrica (SICP), con la Società Italiana di Endoscopia Digestiva (SIED) e con l’Italian Panel
of Pediatric Endoscopy);
Reflux esophagitis in children, the role of endoscopy (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38 N. 1, pag. A10 – January 2006);
Sanguinamento gastrointestinale: approccio e gestione durante l’età pediatrica (Area Pediatrica vol.1, Gennaio 2006);
A hydrolysed rice-based formula is tolerated by children with cow’s milk allergy: a multi-centre study” (“Clinical and Experimental Allergy”, 2006
Marzo, 36(3): 311-6);
Il bambino con sangue nelle feci (The Italian Journal of Pediatrics - Vol.32- Supplement N.1, sept. 2006, pgg. 22- 23);
Genotype/phenotype analysis of a panel of genes in paediatric patients with IBD: a multicentric study of SIGENP
(Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38, n.10, october 2006, pag. A103);
The Appropriateness of endoscopy for dyspepsia in children (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.38, n.10, october 2006, pag. A112);
Infliximab in Children with IBD: Safety and Complications (Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Vol.43, supplement 2, S 44
november 2006);
Il Reflusso Gastro-Esofageo dal neonato al giovane adulto (pubbl. del 28/05/07 su rivista on line FCE NEWS ;
Reflux esophagitis in children, the role of endoscopy. A multicentric Italian survey (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.39, 2007, pp. 864-871);
Infliximab in children with inflammatory bowel disease in Italy: safety (Digestive and Liver Disease – Vol.39, pag. A54, October 2007);
Duodenal diverticulitis with subsequent laparoscopic diverticulectomy in adolescence: a case report
(Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A61, Vol.39, October 2007);
Alopecia areata and food allergy a case report (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A80, Vol.39, October 2007);
Consensus statement su Urgenze endoscopiche non emorragiche in età pediatrica, (pubbl. in Febbraio 2008 - in qualità di Esperto della SIGENP - );
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children and Adolescents in Italy: Data from the Pediatric National IBD Register (1996-2003)
(Inflammatory Bowel Disease, PAG. 1246-1252, Vol 14, issue 9, June 2008);
Infliximab for pediatric ulcerative colitis: a retrospective Italian multicenter study (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. S260, Vol. 40, Suplement 2, July
The use of steroids in patients affected by IBD, with reactivation of the disease after biologic therapy (INFLIXIMAB)
(Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A54, Vol. 40, October 2008);
Rectal lymphoid hyperplasia resembling polypoid-type malt-lymphoma: a case report (Digestive and Liver Disease, pag. A101, Vol. 40, October 2008);
Association between non-synonymous variant in the MST1 gene and IBD in Italian Population (Gastroenterology, May 2009, Vol: 136, number 5, May
Association between non-synonymous variant in the MST1 gene and IBD in Italian Population
(Journal of Crohn’s & Colitis, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Feb. 2009);
Update on management of caustic and foreign body ingestion in children (Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Maggio 2009);
Consensus Statement su MICI in età pediatrica (pubblicazione del 2009);
Indications to Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Children with Dyspepsia
(Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, vol. 50, number 5, May 2010);
Una diagnosi occasionale ed indaginosa di voluminoso polipo del colon (SIGENP NEWS, Vol. II, Sett. 2010 – sezione Endoscopy Learning Library);
Italian paediatric experience in the management of benign esophageal strictures in children(Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5,
Endoscopic resection of an esophageal fibrous septum (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
The contribution of psychosomatic medicine in IBD research (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
A “particular” presentation of gastric volvulus (Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
Esophageal perforated ulcer, secondary to prolonged decubitus of a not-harmful foreign body (coin) at the cervical esophagus
(Digestive and Liver Disease –Vol. 42, Supplement 5, 2010);
Usefulness of wireless capsule endoscopy in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Marzo 2011);
Il management del bambino con ingestione di corpi estranei (Rivista di Emergenze e Urgenza Pediatrica, anno 5, n°1, Marzo 2011);
La nutrizione nel bambino con Malattia Infiammatoria Cronica Intestinale (MICI)
(pubblicato sul sito, Agosto 2011 nell’ambito del Progetto Nutrizione);
Potential celiac disease in a large cohort of at-risk infants:” The Italian baby-study on weaning and CD risk”
(Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
A complex onset of intestinal bowel disease (Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
Crohn’s disease in a child with leucocyte adhesion type-1 deficiency: an unusual association
(Digestive and Liver Disease - vol. 43, Supplement 5, October 2011);
Il bambino con rettorragia
(pubblicato su “GIGENP – Giornale di Gastroenterologia Epatologia e Nutrizione Pediatrica “- organo ufficiale SIGENP, fascicolo 2 – Luglio
Phenotype and disease course of early onset pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (Inflammatory bowel disease, April 2014);
“Successful Anti-TNF-α Treatment in a girl with lad-1 disease and autoimmune manifestations”
(Journal of Clinical Immunology, August 2014);
“Polipi e sindromi polipoidi”(Manuale SIGENP di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia Pediatrica, Novembre 2014);
“High sodium and low potassium intake among Italian children. Relationship with age, body mass and blood pressure”
(PLOS ONE, Aprile 2015);
“Pediatric ulcerative colitis surgery: Italian multicenter survey” (Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Luglio 2015);
“Criteri di appropriatezza della colonscopia nel bambino” (Giornale SIGENP, Volume VIII, n° 4/2016);
“Asthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children – Completing the Puzzle” (European Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases, Giugno 2017);
“Equipment in pediatric endoscopy” per “Endoscopy in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease –Book-“ (Springer Editors, Luglio 2018);
“Esophageal retained lithium battery in children younger than 6 years” (Pediatric Emergency Care, 2018);
“Polipi e sindromi polipoidi”(Manuale SIGENP di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia Pediatrica, seconda edizione, Giugno 2020);
"A large food-borne outbreak of campylobacteriosis in kindergartens and primary schools in Pescara, Italy, May-June 2018" (Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2021).